Stay Healthy And Happy

We are all about maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle.

The Relationship of Health and Fitness

Healthy Relationship with yourself before you can have a healthy relationship with others.

A healthy smile is more than just cosmetic

Over the long term, smiling can benefit your health, perception at work, social life, and romantic status.

Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Living healthy isn't just about weight loss, it's about moving your body and feeding it good things for healthy and longevity.

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Neurocell - Do Not BUY Read *Shocking* Review First

About Neurocell

Several supplements have been invented in the market to improve the cognitive functioning of the brain. There arises the need to look into a supplement that will perfectly work with your system to offer you effective results without any harm or health damage. Neurocell is one among the supplements that will sure provide you with the promising results you desire. This product contains natural ingredients that are clinically tested to work as claimed without bearing any harm. The product stands to provide you a solution to poor mental functions ranging from memory loss, alertness, focus, cognition concentration etc. The product is designed to modify supply of neurochemicals in the brain. It generally solves problems related to brain cell loss; which occurs as one ages up.

The product can be obtained from its official website page with the following prices;
  • $57.95 per bottle
  • $123.82 for 3 bottles
  • $159.95 for 5 bottles

Purchasing the product guarantees the user a 60 day money back guarantee.


Manufacturer Information and Claims about Neurocell

Information about the company that manufactures this product is vague. Otherwise, there exists an official website of the product that claims of its effectiveness in improving the overall health of the brain. The product is claimed to be safe to use because of its composition of organic and natural ingredients. There is an offer of 60 day cash back guarantee to individuals who may on the other hand feel dissatisfied by the product.

How Neurocell Works?

The main focus of the product's performance in the brain is to improve mental focus, concentration, clarity and boost cognitive energy. The product is made up of ingredients that contain natural compounds responsible in boosting memory recap as well as other mental related functions. The nutrients it provide your brain with are crucial in maintaining the overall health of your brain and regain short and long term loss of memory. It also contains a key ingredient Phosphatidylcholine that enhances the production of new brain cells and other neuro connections. The working of this product provides you with the necessary energy you would need to gain focus upon.

The Ingredients of Neurocell

  • Used in several brain supplements.
  • Improve memory and attention as well reducing stress.
Bacopa Monnieri
  • Has great effects in improving memory
  • Improves short and long term memory
  • Supports other declines related to aging.
  • Improves mental performance of the brain including memory, focus and alertness
Alpha GPC
  • Improves thinking skills in Alzheimer's patients.
  • Is effective in improving the skills of thinking.
Huperzine A
  • Improves memory just as other ingredients used in the composition.

The Benefits of Neurocell

  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Contains natural ingredients that have all been clinically tested to be effective
  • Boosts the brain's memory recall
  • Boosts cognitive abilities
  • Generally improves the functioning of the brain.
  • Comes with an offer of 60 day money back guarantee for first customers
  • Improves focus and concentration to an individual
  • Does not bear any side effects due to the natural composition of the ingredients.
  • Ingredients are approved and certified by the FDA lab

The Drawbacks of Neurocell

  • There is limited information about the particular manufacturing company of this product.

The Dosage Instructions of Neurocell

1 capsule of the product is recommended to be taken daily. It should be taken in every morning. For best results, the user is advised to follow the instructions and be patient for some few days.

The Precautions Involved in using Neurocell

  • Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer.
  • Should not be taken in overdose, it can harm you.
  • Only taken with individuals who have experienced the related symptoms, mostly aging.

The Side Effects of Neurocell

The product is made up of organic compounds that have been tested to bear any harmful substance. It is therefore safe to use a product for individuals with memory loss symptoms. However it is always advised that you visit a doctor before starting to use the product.

Does Neurocell Interact with other Medications?

Clinical studies and customers reviews show that that the product is mostly compatible with various medications. Expectant and lactating mothers as well as those under adverse medical conditions should consult their doctors to check their compatibility with the product.

Final Verdict

Loss of focus, memory, concentration, alertness and other mental malfunction are commonly experienced with aging individuals. With the aging process that is inevitable, the brain loses a lot of its cells making the general functioning of the brain to retard. Apparently, there are many supplements that are manufactured with the intentions of improving the health of the brain. Neurocell is one of the supplements that prove to be effective in achieving this function. It is always recommended that you understand well a product before putting it in use.

Friday, October 9, 2015

An In-depth Look into Nootropics/Smart Drugs and What they Do?

Well, let's talk about a subject that most people are aware of but not many are willing to discuss in detail. Let's take an in-depth look into nootropics, which are also known as smart drugs, intelligence enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and memory enhancers. They have a lot of names, but they all do one thing, they boost the power of the brain and enhance mental functional by extraordinary amounts. They are basically supplements, drugs, nutraceutricals and functional foods for your brain, and they have a specific effect on the brain.

Noo-tropics can enhance attention, motivation, mood and working memory, which is why they are so popular amongst academic students these days. The word nootropic was actually coined by Corneliu E. Giurgea, who was a Romanian chemist and psychologist in the year 1972. The human brain is an extremely complex and profound organ. It works in mysterious ways and yet no one human is able to get 100% control over their brain functioning.


If such a thing existed that person would be known as a super human. Nootropics are basically the answer to enhance the power of the brain. They have been used in academia by students who have wanted to score better marks in their final examinations, or during a job interview to land a dream job and lots of other things in which you need your brain blasting on all cylinders to get the job done. There are different nootropics available for targeting different aspects of the brain functioning, some of them target the:
  • Mental performance
  • Brain health
  • Brain energy
  • Memory

Possible Side effects

Along with the good effects of nootropics, there are also bound to be some side effects as well. It is a pharmaceutical drug and as such will have some adverse effect that will have an impact on cognitive power of the brain. However, no significant long-term data or research is available that can indicate the major side effects that are caused by nootropics or smart drugs. There are plenty of great cognitive enhancing drugs that can be found in the market and for the most part, most of them have been successful in delivering on what they promise.

Recently however, there is a new nootropic/smart drug that has quickly caught the attention of one and all. It goes by the name of Provasil and it has managed to drastically change the lives of anyone who has dared to try it. The reason that we are simply talking about Provasil, should tell you all that you need to know about this nootropic. It seems to the real deal and it is a natural supplement that promises to not only boost your cognitive power but also to help improve your moods at the same time.

Provasil has got a lot of benefits and it is certainly creating a buzz amongst students and entrepreneurs alike who all want one thing. To achieve better brain functioning, enhanced memory and better moods, all from one single nootropic. If you want to learn more about the latest nootropic or smart drug, visit today.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Intellux Reviews - Don't Buy Before You Read the *SIDE EFFECTS*

About the Product

Intellux is a nootropic drug supplement that offers the much deserved relief from brain related issues. This supplement guarantees to leave you feeling prominent with improved brain function that may have declined due to various reasons. Intellux supplement pays attention to detail to the brain by enhancing and boosting your brain. This supplement provides the much needed interpretive brain functionality by boosting the production of neurotransmitters that have been shown by medical researchers as responsible for brain and memory function.

Intellux accesses the neurons of the brain andinformation is processedso that you have improved cognitive abilities, increased energyand focus without any risk. You will notice improvements with regular use of the supplement that ensures that you continuewith your regular routine yet have not to deal with mental issues. Intellux nootropic supplement has proven to be the safe solution for creative thinking, enhanced focus and enhanced learning abilities for ages 26 and above.

Intellux memory costs $50-70 for a box that contain thirty pills that last you for a month
3 bottles: $113.82
5 bottles: $149.95.


Manufactures Information about Intellux and its Claims

Conspiracies about cognitive enhancement drugs have marred the market of brain enhancement supplements but according to its official website this product is developed by researchers at the University of Florida, who have conducted medical studies that let intellux do what it does best. It is claimed that this product has amazing constant results that pop out overtime continued regular use of the drug guarantees precision in brain activity. The product is a formula that has gained popularity for its potent brain benefits. The product is as honorable as it comes as it made in the safest way possible to contain the best ingredients to reach high levels of brain improvement. The products claim to treat symptoms of memory loss associated with aging, enhance energy levels, and improve focus and mental clarity. Clinical trials declare it a brain nootropic drug.

How the Product Works?

Brain decline can cause palpable discomfort and distress however intellux brain booster is the new smart drug that has created a buzz in the nootropic world. Competitors do not match up to the potent effects of intellux supplement that works on brain functions. The supplement enhances the production of neurotransmitters that are vital for brain activity. Aging, stressand pressure from daily hustles may cause a number of effects on the brainand memory loss, decline of energy levels and reduced focus are some of the effects. When intellux works on the brain, neurons get charged up and information is processed through better connectivity. With various links correctly connected intellux ensures that the brain is nourished and hence its boosts its activities. As this product is made with natural ingredients the product is adequately safe for consumption without any adverse effects. What Intellux reviews has that none of the other nootropic supplement shave is the advantage of being a smart drug that has revolutionized the brain enhancement world


  • Maintains brain cells

Product Benefits

  • Reduces cognitive decline
  • Enhances focusand concentration
  • Upgrades and boosts energy levels
  • Enhancesmental clarity
  • Stimulates motivation hence one is calm and more relaxed
  • Enhances IQ by 47%
  • Increased brain power as the best brain booster
  • Improves memory
  • Reduces crash
  • Nourishes the brain

Product Drawbacks

  • Lack of sufficient information about the products ingredients and its manufacturers
  • Takes a long time for the body to adapt to the drug


One pill per day with glass of water

Side Effects

Headaches, insomnia and fatigue for those who cannot tolerate the ingredient Phosphtidylserine


Pregnant and lactating mother should seek medical advice before using this product


  • Since the product is made of natural ingredients that are scientifically proven there have been no complaints of interaction with other medications
  • Those under medication should seek advice from doctors beforehand.

Final Verdict

You would be amazed at how glad you can be when your brain works perfectly even after you have aged. The effects of brain issues can be devastating when you feel a little less smart, when you fail to recall and your cognitive performance declines. The good news is that researchers and science can treat these brain anomalies and boosts your brain power with dietary supplements.

Intellux supplement is the best nootropic supplement in the market that provides a much needed loophole that keeps the brain nourished and improves your brain functions. Who would want better focus, increased IQ and better brain performance for learning? The results of intellux supplement are quite impressive as it is made from natural ingredients that are clinically proven. The product treats memory loss, enhances cognitive function and increases brain activity. This supplement is simply superb its reloads thebrain to reach further potential even at old age.