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Thursday, December 15, 2016

How Sinus Surgery Can Change Your Life?

Sinus Surgery

Sinus problems can be quite daunting to the point of seriously affecting your quality of life. They can manifest in a variety of symptoms, the intensity of which can vary as time goes by. Fever and coughing are most common, followed by frontal headaches and face tenderness (especially under the eyes or at the bridge of the nose). You may also experience nasal congestion and postnasal drips. Luckily, all of this is fixable with a simple and safe surgery procedure.

How does it work?

The surgery is performed through the nostril, leaving no scars or bruising. Deviated bones are straightened, which improves the sinus openings making them drain adequately. The allergic tissue is also removed to improve nasal airways. These procedures can also be done in combination with cosmetic Rhinoplasty or an anti-snoring surgery. The recovery times vary, but in one to two weeks, you'll be able to return to your daily activities.

No more Pain

Headaches and facial pressures are probably the hardest part of sinus related problems. They change the patient's life by making everyday activities too hard to handle. Patients often describe these pains as something which consumes their mind, rendering them unable to focus on anything else. The pains are also hard to locate, which creates the impression that the entire face is in pain, or that the pains tend to shift (from the bridge of the nose to the roof of the mouth and behind the ears). The surgery practically eliminates these pains or at least significantly reduces them, changing your life for the better in one fell swoop.

Headaches and facial

Fewer Infections

A sinus infection is an inflammation of the air cavities inside the nose. It causes a sore throat, intense fevers, and occasional facial swelling. Headaches and feeling of nasal stuffiness (which can sometimes be so hard that you feel like you're suffocating) are also common. All of these symptoms become worse during the spring, because of all the allergens in the air. Also, those who experience chronic fever, also feel fatigue and have less energy overall. After a septoplasty, infections will be much less frequent and much less intensive, letting you breathe normally once again.

Help with the Medication

Sinus inflammations are a chronic disease meaning that you'll probably have to manage it your whole life. You should take the prescribed medication even after the surgery, especially when inflammations start to occur. The medication will also be more effective after the procedure. With the widened sinus pathways, medical sprays and other nebulized drugs will reach the sinuses easier and help you get through a rough patch faster than before.

You May also Like: Diagnosing a Sinus Infection is a DIY Project - Dr. Richard Rosenfeld

Recovery Do's and Don'ts

It's a simple procedure and soon after it's done, you should be able to resume your daily life, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind and make the recovery as smooth as possible.

Keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. Use a couple of extra pillows at night and you'll be fine. Don't blow your nose during the first week after the surgery. If you have to sneeze, try doing it with your mouth open. Don't lift anything heavy for two weeks. Don't take any aspirin, because it slows down blood clotting. In the end, some bleeding is to be expected, but if you feel like you're bleeding too much, don't hesitate to call your doctor.

Surgery is never a small matter, but this procedure is simple, safe and effective. Consult your doctor and try it; soon you'll be able to improve your life and enjoy it without the constant discomfort sinus issues can bring.


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