Becoming a doctor has many hurdles, and most are handled in the application process to enter medical school. The four-year institutions that turn Bachelor Degree holders into doctors also turn down the majority of applicants. Many rejections have to do with grades, but others involve background checks for moral standing and also personal health. If a person were infected with a disease such as HIV, they might face additional hurdles to practice. It is Tough Just to Join It is easy by comparison to be accepted into nursing school.
Anyone can take introductory courses, and nursing programs look mostly at grades and criminal background. Medical school is tough to get into and even tougher to complete. All along the way, administrators scrutinize hygienic practices. Doctors handle many sick people and bio-hazardous materials, and so only someone who is scrupulously clean can be allowed to be a doctor. The first step is examination by a committee selected by the medical school to choose applicants. They look hard at background as well as academic performance.
They look at grades not only because of the competitive nature of entry, but because meticulous students are more likely to be sanitary and follow safety regulations. Background will reveal whether or not health regulations were broken at previous jobs. Many people who apply to medical school were previously employed in the medical world as nurses or technicians. This prior experience is extremely crucial in candidate selection. Working in a hospital can increase appeal to the selection committee, but it also gives them a compelling look at previous work ethic. A person who was blamed for health violations might be frowned upon even if they believe they have improved. Making Sure You Have Nothing Contagious It is possible for a doctor to have Human Immunodeficiency Virus and still practice, but odds are stacked against it. A person diagnosed with AIDS before finishing medical school might be barred from performing surgeries and will be required to take additional hygienic measures.
It is also true that scandalous information spreads very quickly, and anyone with a dangerous disease will find their market value deteriorate. All doctors must undergo blood tests and various examinations. The medical community keeps tabs of the medical records of their own doctors, any any incurable infection will be quickly noted. Doctors are not compelled to take tests for every known disease, but common ones such as HIV and various STDs are tested. It is part of the quality control process at the hospital, as these germs spread easily through body fluids. Advancing Through a Necessary Apprenticeship New doctors are not instantly released into the medical world. They must also go through an internship where they are watched and instructed by established doctors. It is not possible for a newly licensed doctor to practice independently until they have worked under supervision for at least a few years.
The truth of the matter is that even after graduating medical school, other doctors will still be examining and criticizing both performance and health standards. Doctors are the key players in all hospitals, and it is a peer-evaluated profession.
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